Amanda Nielsen-Doop
Broker Associate
I've become very passionate about real estate because I have owned personal rental properties for over 13 years. I've fixed and flipped my own homes. I've dealt with remodeling and building a new home. I absolutely love decorating and staging. I use my personal experiences to make it a stress-free process and navigate my clients through the biggest event in their life! I'm so thankful that I get to fulfill them with their dream home. Having lived and worked in Sioux Falls for more than 15 years, I understand what makes our community and the people who call it home so special. From the active downtown area and enjoying the beautiful Falls Park there are many reason to call this city your home! That's what it takes to truly be a local real estate expert. Not just expertise in negotiation and marketing and access to real-time market data but love and understanding of our community and people who live here.
- Direct: (605) 675-9329
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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Midwest Realty, 1120 E. 77th Street, Sioux Falls, SD, 57108, (605) 274-1034,