
Hi! My name is Mandra Kruse and I am a native of northwest Iowa, but now reside with my husband and children in Beresford, South Dakota. I started my professional career in business management for a local physical therapy clinic. After 13 years in the field and becoming a mother, I developed a new passion of helping people find their first home, dream home, retirement home and/ or investment properties! Thankfully, after I was a licensed real estate agent, I was mentored by Shawn Giedd and soon we became business partners. Both being Part of the Sioux Falls Berkshire Hathaway office and living in small town Beresford, SD allows our team to better serve you!

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professional accreditations
  • Brand Ambassador
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  • English
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As a Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Midwest Realty Forever Agent℠, I support your real estate dreams and goals for life. That support doesn’t start or end with a successful transaction, it’s ongoing, and it means planning for a future that’s as fulfilling as it is bright.

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We believe every kid deserves a childhood. The opportunity to be a kid. Sunshine in dark days. That’s why we’ve partnered with The Sunshine Kids™.